reception theory

 1) What is the preferred reading of a media text?

This is the message/ideology/belief that the producers want the audience to believe .

2) What is the oppositional reading of a media text?

This is when the consumer takes away an opposite message to what the producers intended.

Harry brown

3) How does the Harry Brown trailer position the audience to respond to the teenage characters in the film?

The trailer represents the youth in the film as dangerous,unsafe and menacing and as an threat to those around them . This makes the audience feel negatively towards them . This could be because they want to make the main protagonist appear as more of a hero to the audience.

4) Why might young people reject this reading and construct an oppositional reading of the trailer?

They might reject the reading because they are young themselves and can understand the characters on a deeper level . They feel empathy for them rather than hostility. Also,it could make them feel like the younger generation is misunderstood .They are likley to come up with an oppositional reading because they disagree with the stereotypical view of young people that were brought up in unsafe environments.They may think that the representation is classist and inaccurate. 

5) Write a 150+ word analysis of the McDonald's advert using preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings.

The preferred reading of this advert is that you can get a full meal in the size of a sandwich . They want the audience to buy it and enjoy it . They have made it look appealing to the audience by describing the burger in detail.This makes it intriguing for a viewer.The company does this in the hope to attract customers.
The negotiated reading is a mix of pros and cons . Some one may think that it tastes good whilst also being bad for your health . This could lead a customer away from buying it.
The oppositional reading is that it is unhealthy and over priced.


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